How to Use Fewer Keystrokes When Entering Calendar Data Learn how to enter calendar data faster and with fewer keystrokes. Improve your efficiency with these helpful tips for using Teamup Calendar.
How to Track Events Across the Weekend If an event continues from the previous week into the next week, Teamup uses the shape of the event blocks...
How to Prevent Double Bookings Prevent double bookings and manage reservations efficiently with Teamup. Learn how to disallow overlapping events automatically for a better booking process.
How to Use Teamup as a Free Service Teamup Calendar offers a free service for as long as you'd like. Teamup Calendars do not expire, and users can continue to use all free plan features for as long as needed.
How to Block Unavailable Dates in a Calendar Learn how to block out unavailable dates or times in Teamup Calendar. Prevent double-booking and ensure that your resources or spaces are efficiently reserved.
How to Save Calendar Data to a .PDF file With Teamup Calendar, you can save your calendar to PDF easily. The calendar data, including all the event details, can...
How to Use Teamup Calendar as an Invite or RSVP System Teamup does not currently offer an RSVP system. However, you can share an event as a web page and enable signup for events.
Allow Users to Submit Requests or Add Events to Your Calendar Find out how to set up your Teamup Calendar to accept event submissions from users. Improve collaboration and streamline appointment scheduling processes.
How to Mark Tasks and Events as Complete A Teamup Calendar can work well as a to-do list with scheduled tasks and events. While not specifically designed to...
Create a Default Sub-Calendar View Discover how to customize your default calendar view in Teamup by highlighting the most relevant sub-calendars. Stay organized and optimize your workflow with this helpful tip.
Shortcut for Selecting Calendars in Event Editor When using Teamup Calendar, use this calendar shortcut to quickly get to the sub-calendar you want to select in the event editor.
How to Add Events from Teamup to an Invitee’s Calendar Teamup has built-in sharing options which make it easy for invitees to add the Teamup event to their own calendar...
How to Display Multiple Calendar Views for Consecutive Periods Optimize your calendar display by using link parameters to show events for consecutive periods. Perfect for service shops and conferences.
Format the Event Description on the Teamup App You can add details, images, and more in the description field. On the Teamup app, you can format the description...
What to Do if You Cannot Access Your Teamup Calendar Experiencing issues accessing Teamup Calendar? Check out our troubleshooting guide to resolve connectivity problems and get back to managing your schedule.
How to Filter Events to Display Only What You Want to See Save time and find specific events easily with the filter feature on your calendar. Customize your view and display only the events that matter to you.
Toggle Sub-Calendars vs. Filter by Sub-Calendar Toggle or filter sub-calendars to focus on specific events. Hide or show sub-calendars or filter events by sub-calendar(s), or combine these options.
How to Adjust the Calendar Resolution You can adjust the calendar resolution when using time grid calendar views. A 5-minute resolution gives more space than a 60-minute resolution to display the event title.
How to Copy or Move Events to Today To copy or move an event to Today, right-click the event and select the option from the context menu.
Change the Language in Teamup on a Mobile Device Want to use Teamup in a different language? The Teamup app takes its language setting from your device's default. You can also change the language in Teamup on a mobile browser.