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Live Demo: Team and Room Schedule

This live demo for team and room schedule shows the Timeline view with customized access for a team planner and calendar.

About the Team and Room Schedule live demo

Open the live demo Team and Room Schedule. It’s a team planner and calendar demonstrating customized access and self-booking for shared resources.

Scenario: Team planner with self-booking

A small business needs a team planner which allows self-booking of shared meeting rooms.

Assigning sub-calendars to individuals is a good calendar structure for visualizing team availability, scheduling shifts, keeping track of assignments, and seeing PTO or travel. However, real-life scenarios often involve more than one dimension. For example, this team needs to schedule and share their availability with each other. They also have two shared rooms which are used for meetings, etc. They need the ability to reserve these rooms and avoid scheduling conflicts.

In order to manage both dimensions, the calendar has a combined structure: one set of sub-calendars represents the resources (rooms) and another set of sub-calendars represents the individuals.

Employees need to be able to add and modify events on their own sub-calendar, and reserve the rooms for use as needed. They should not be able to change events on another employee’s sub-calendar. And it’s important that the rooms cannot be double-booked. Sometimes they need to allow a sub-contractor or client to book a meeting room, so they need a secure shareable calendar link for that purpose.

Using this live demo

Explore this scenario by opening the demo Team Planner calendar, then use the links and tips in the About box (in the left sidebar of the calendar).

  • Role play using the links in the About box. You can switch back and forth between views.
    • Try this: open the calendar as Mark and add an event. Assign the event to both Mark’s sub-calendar and a Room sub-calendar. Then open the calendar as Martina: you’ll be able to view the event only, but won’t be able to make any changes.
    • Open the calendar with the Add-only link. You’ll notice that only the Room sub-calendars are visible. This customized access can be used for clients or sub-contractors who need to book a room for use, but shouldn’t have access to the team’s sub-calendars.
  • Work with the calendar itself: try collapsing a folder to hide all the sub-calendars it contains. Adjust the date range and zoom level in Timeline view. Try Scheduler view to see bookings and availability side-by-side.
  • Work with events: Copy or duplicate an event with the right-click context menu. Drag and drop an event to reschedule it.
  • Explore the calendar settings: From the blue menu in the top right corner, select Settings. There you can add and organize sub-calendars to test for your needs, add custom fields, and change any other defaults.

When you’re ready, you can create your own Teamup calendar. Follow the steps below if you want to recreate this live demo Team Planner scenario for your own calendar.

How to set up a team and room calendar

This scenario is an example of managing two dimensions with a combined structure. You can also use custom fields to capture details and track other dimensions that may be important for your needs.

Create sub-calendars


  • Create a sub-calendar for each team member by going to Settings > Calendars. 
  • Group all team sub-calendars in a folder by using the Folder > Sub-calendar hierarchy.
  • Repeat the process to create sub-calendars organized in a folder for each bookable room.

Customize access

Next, give customized access to each employee. To do this, go to Settings > Sharing:


The example above shows the customized access for Linda:

  • Linda has Modify-from-same permission for the Room sub-calendars, so she can add events and modify only the events she added.
  • She has Modify permission for her own sub-calendar.
  • She has Read-only permission for other team members’ calendars. She can view their events but not add or modify any events on their sub-calendars.
  • Learn more about setting up customized access.

Configure other settings

Adjust settings such as default calendar view. If desired, add custom event fields to capture notes and keywords or manage other factors that influence your scheduling. The result: a comprehensive calendar and team planner that enables self-booking and allows team members to securely share their availability with each other.



Updated on August 24, 2023
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