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How to Set Up a Calendar Structure

Sub-calendars are the heart of a Teamup calendar. Sub-calendars are individual calendars contained within each Teamup master calendar. You can create and organize multiple sub-calendars. Sub-calendars can represent whatever you need to organize or schedule. The way you set up sub-calendars determines the calendar structure.

Types of calendar structures

What do sub-calendars represent?

The basic structure of a Teamup calendar is based on what sub-calendars represent. The examples below are not exhaustive; there are as many ways to structure a calendar as there are unique scenarios.

And in many cases, a combined structure works best; some sub-calendars represent individuals and other sub-calendars represent resources, for example. Use these examples as a starting point to explore and test different ideas for your needs.

Sub-calendars as individuals

A very common calendar setup is to create sub-calendars which represent, or are assigned to, individuals. These individuals could be anyone involved in what you plan to organize and schedule with the calendar: family members, staff members, volunteers, subcontractors, students, teachers or tutors, and so on.

The individual-based calendar structure is good if your primary purpose is to organize, manage, or oversee individuals. You can get an overview of team whereabouts with a color-coded employee calendar, or compare staff availability side-by-side. Keep things organized by setting up folders for teams or departments. Supervisors can keep a company-wide overview while sharing team-specific customized calendar access with team leads.

Use cases for sub-calendars as individuals

Live demos for sub-calendars as individuals

Sub-calendars as resources

If the purpose of your calendar is to manage shared resources, you can create a calendar structure based on these resources. Resources could be any item, tool, or place: from musical instruments to specialized lab equipment to rental machinery, meeting rooms, a campground space, or studios.

You can easily see the availability of all resources and compare bookable times or find availability. For example, if someone needs to book a meeting room, it’s helpful to quickly scan the calendar and find an open room for their desired meeting time. You can also focus on a single resource at a time; toggle off all sub-calendars but the specific resource. Then you can see trends in use over time or decide when to schedule planned maintenance.

Use cases for sub-calendars as resources

Live demos for sub-calendars as resources

Sub-calendars as locations

Calendars are often used to manage information that’s not just time-based, but location-based. For example, a sporting events calendar may include events organized by location. Then calendar users can search for events within their region and in certain date ranges.

Locations could be large and general (an entire region) or small and specific (a particular office building). You can also organize more specific locations inside folders; for example, a “West Region” folder could contain sub-calendars for all the office locations within that region.

Use cases for sub-calendars as locations

Live demos for sub-calendars as locations

  • Industry Event live demo
    • In the Internal Events folder, each sub-calendar represents a region.

Sub-calendars as projects or categories

Create sub-calendars and organize them in a project timeline folder

Sub-calendars can represent things that are not strictly tangible, such as projects or project phases, topics, themes, categories, or types. For project managers, this structure works well as you can then focus on a single project (or project phase) by hiding all but the relevant sub-calendars. This structure is also helpful for tracking the status of an assignment or job; the job can be moved from one sub-calendar to another as the status is updated.

Use cases for sub-calendars as projects or categories

Live demos for sub-calendars as projects or categories

Updated on November 13, 2024
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