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Let Users Upload Images and Docs, but Prevent Other Changes

In some scenarios, you may want to let users upload images or documents to events, without allowing them the ability to change any other part of the event.

Here are a few example scenarios:

  • A delivery driver needs to add a photo of where he left the materials on the job site, but shouldn’t be able to modify any details of the delivery route.
  • A crew member needs to upload a signed customer agreement before starting the work, but doesn’t need the ability to change the events on the service calendar.
  • Club members of a hiking group want to share their photos of the day’s hike with each other through the group’s read-only link to their club calendar.
  • The marketing department wants an easy way for everyone at a work holiday gathering to share their photos of the event, without having to configure calendar access for folks outside the department or guests.

Maintain secure access

Give your users secure access with read-only permission, via one of these methods:

Enable event comments

You’ll use event comments to let people upload documents and images without changing the access level they have to the calendar. Here’s how:

  1. Enable event comments on the event(s).
  2. Set these comments to be used by All Users.
  3. Share the calendar (or event page) with the users.
  4. Instruct them to upload images or documents in the comments.

With this set up, your users can upload items to the event, where they’ll be visible to all users, but they won’t be able to make any other changes to the event. Plus, each comment is time-stamped so you’ll know exactly when items were uploaded.

Try it out on one of our live demo calendars.

Updated on August 22, 2022
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