The Table View

Table view (browser only) provides a spreadsheet-like tabular view of calendar events.

To learn about other calendar views, see this article.

A spreadsheet-like format for calendars

Table view displays each event field in its own column (including custom fields) and each event in its own row. Like all the other calendar views, events can be filtered and sorted by various criteria. For custom fields for numerical values, table view will display the sum. Take a look at this demo calendar or try a live demo calendar yourself.

In Table view, event details show in separate columns. The Type column, above, is a custom field.

Adjust date range and columns

Date range

To adjust the date range:

  • Click the arrow under Date range.
  • Choose from Day, Multi Day, Week, Multi Week, Month, Year, or Custom.
  • For Multi Day or Multi Week, choose the number of days (1 – 21) or weeks (up to 30) to display.
  • For Custom, set the start date and end date. 


Adjust columns in table view

To adjust columns: 

  • Use the Show/Hide Columns menu and check or uncheck columns.
  • Click the arrow beside any column title to display the menu:
    • Sort by the column in ascending or descending order. You can sort by more than one column. 
    • Move the column left or right.
    • Hide the column. 
  • Hidden columns can be brought back to view from the Show/Hide Columns menu.
  • Click and drag to adjust column width.
  • Check the Wrap box above column titles for text wrapping of cell contents. 

Numeric sums

Number field contents

Teamup supports custom event fields, which can be used to collect numerical information about calendar events. The contents of any Number field type will be summed up automatically in the bottom of the table view:

In Table view, the contents of a number field will automatically sum in the last row.

Sum for event times

A noteworthy function of the Table View is to show the sum for event duration. This can be enabled in the configuration shown above. The sum of the event duration is displayed in the footer row of the Start column. It is important to note that all-day events and time-based events are summed up separately and a sum is shown for each category.

Learn more how to use the sum for event duration. 

Default configuration

Calendar administrators can set up the default configuration for table view. More details here.

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar Views
  2. Enable Table view (if not already enabled)
  3. Choose the default date range, which columns to show, and other default settings:

You can always show or hide columns when working in Table view, as well. Table view supports text wrapping; check the Wrap Content box to enable it by default.

Custom fields

If custom fields are added to the calendar, they will automatically show in the configuration list and can be set to display by default:

Custom field contents shown in a column in Table view

Event history

The Created column shows the date and time that the event was created. The Updated column shows the date and time that the event was last updated:

In the Updated column, a gray asterisk icon indicates that the event has not been modified.



Updated on October 10, 2024
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