Configure Event Fields

Every Teamup Calendar has default event fields. These built-in event fields can be configured in certain ways such as renaming, rearranging, and setting certain defaults. Any custom event fields added to your calendar also have configuration options.

Default event fields

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Every Teamup calendar has certain default event fields:

  • Title
  • Calendar
  • Who
  • Where
  • Description
  • Signup
  • Comments
  • Attachments

Default event fields vs custom event fields

Default event fields come built-in on every Teamup calendar. You also have the option to create  custom event fields. There are different custom field types:

  • text entry field type.
  • choice field type with options (single choice or multiple choice).
  • numerical data field type.

The number of custom fields you can add depends on your subscription plan. When you add a custom field, it appears in the same list with the built-in fields.

How to configure default event fields

The calendar administrator can configure built-in event fields:

  1. Open the calendar in a browser.
  2. Go to Settings > Event Fields.
  3. You’ll see a screen with the list of event fields (as shown above).
  4. Click the Edit icon to the right of any event field to rename it, rearrange it, or set certain defaults for that field.
  5. Use the toggle button to the left of any event field to deactivate (red, X mark) or activate (green, √ mark) that field.

Limits on configuring fields

The Title field and Calendar field do not have all configuration options: they cannot be deactivated or rearranged.

The Signup and Comments field cannot be renamed.

Rename a built-in field

To rename a field:

  1. Click the Edit icon for any default event field.
  2. On the next screen, put your cursor in the Name field and type in the name you want.
  3. Click the green Save button.

Rearrange event fields

Use the arrows to move a field up or down in the field order:

The event editor will reflect the changed field order immediately.

Deactivate or activate event fields

Use the toggle next to any event field to deactivate or activate it. When deactivated, the field will no longer be available on the event editor.


Make a field required

Check Yes in the Required section. Users will not be able to create or save edits on an event unless the required field is completed.


Show a field in the event title

Make a field show in the event title: The contents of the field will be shown in the event title, in parentheses.

Set defaults for the Signup field

For the Signups field, you can set these defaults:

  • Enabled: If checked, signups will be enabled on all newly created events by default.
  • Deadline: Toggle on or off; set the default deadline for signups.
  • Maximum number: Toggle on or off; set the default maximum number for signups.
  • Who can view signups? Choose whether All users or Users with modify permission can see the list of users that signed up.

You can override these default settings on any individual event.

Set defaults for the Comments field

For the Comments field, you can set these defaults:

  • Enabled: If checked, comments will be enabled on all newly created events by default.
  • Who can view comments? Make comments available to All users or Users with modify permissions by default.

You can override these default settings on any individual event.

How to configure custom fields

If you add a custom field, it will be listed on the same screen with the built-in event fields: Settings > Event Fields.

You can rename, rearrange, deactivate, and make other configuration choices for custom fields just as you can for built-in event fields. In addition, some custom fields have certain configuration options specific to their field type. See more details about configuring custom fields.

Updated on November 20, 2024
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