Teamup Calendar Settings Discover how to navigate the settings on a Teamup Calendar and customize it to fit your needs. Learn how to control calendar permissions and enhance calendar security.
Getting Started Guide for Administrators Get started as a calendar administrator with this helpful guide. Set up your calendar, grant secure access, and make the most of powerful calendar features.
Primary Contact of a Calendar Learn how to set a primary contact email address for your calendar and understand its importance for resolving issues and managing access.
How to Set Up and Use Default Event Duration On your Teamup calendar, you can set and adjust the default event duration, which automatically determines the length of time for any new event.
How to Enable the Current Time Indicator It's easy to turn on the current time indicator so you can easily see at-a-glance where you are in your day.
Configure Event Fields You can configure the built-in event fields and set defaults to be more suitable for your calendar. Custom fields are also configurable.