If you have just created a new calendar, congratulations! Here are a few resources you may find helpful. If you have been a long-time user, get a quick refresh or discover new ways to make better use of Teamup.
Quick Start
- Add and edit sub-calendars: video, text.
- Choose the default calendar view: video, text.
- Share the calendar or invite collaborators: video, text.
Teamup 101
- The first steps and all about Settings: Guide for calendar administrators.
- Getting to know the calendar: Teamup 101 for all users (video).
- Organize like a pro: Color-code and structure multiple dimensions of calendar data.
- Understand event fields: A step-by-step guide and custom field examples.
- Set up customized access: Here’s how it works and a step-by-step guide.
- Go beyond typical views with Teamup: Try the versatile Scheduler view and see an entire year on one page.
- Stay updated: Set up a Daily Agenda and subscribe to change notifications.
Mobile Apps
- Go here to install the Teamup app (iOS or Android) and learn how to use it.
Fun Stuff
- Print: blank calendar templates, planners (start any date for any period with link parameters).
- Play for free: whether you are just curious or want to expand your use of Teamup, try out our live demos and reach new levels of expertise.
- Sync calendars to Teamup: smart integration using iCalendar feeds.
- Keep up with Teamup news and tips: The Daily Ticker.