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Calendar Link Parameters

Calendar link parameters allow you to overwrite global settings when appended to a customized shareable link. This article discusses how calendar administrators can work with calendar link parameters.

  • Overwrite the global settings. To configure your calendar, you use the calendar settings. These settings apply to all users globally. What if the global settings are not quite right for all users?Calendar link parameters allow you to overwrite global settings and access (or share) the calendar with a customized configuration.
  • Customize an embedded calendar. You can easily embed a Teamup Calendar into a website. Use link parameters to customize the look and feel of the embedded calendar so it’s more helpful for your users.

Calendar link parameters are key=value pairs that are appended at the end of a calendar URL. When you add a link parameter, it forces the calendar to load according to the value of that parameter. The link parameters will override the default settings but only for the link with the parameters added.

For example, a calendar may have defaults to open on the current date in Month view. You can use a date parameter so the calendar loads with a specific start date and a view parameter so the calendar loads with a different view. 

In this example, link parameters are used to set the calendar start date to Sep. 9, 2017, the initial view to weekly view and the side-panel to be hidden.

You can use link parameters with a shareable calendar link or with a user account access link. 

This embedded calendar uses multiple parameters for a streamlined look: the side panel, header, date controls, and more are hidden to remove clutter. The result is a clean, minimal view focused on the calendar events. 

  1. Open your calendar in a web browser with administrator access.
  2. Go to Settings > Sharing.
  3. Create and/or copy the shareable link or account access link you wish to use.
    • User account access link: An account access link has /c/ in the URL). Simply copy and paste the user account URL with the parameters included. Be sure that each user is authorized to access the calendar.
    • Shareable calendar link: A sharable calendar link will have /ks followed by a 16-digit alphanumeric string. Be sure to only share with those who are authorized to access the calendar via that shareable link. Use a read-only link to share with the public.

  4. Append the link parameter(s) you wish to use to the end.
  5. For a shortcut, bookmark it in your browser.

Currently, the following parameters are supported:

Calendar options

  • date: Opens the calendar for a specific date.
  • view: Opens the calendar with a specific view.
  • lang: Overwrites the default language of the calendar.
  • title: Overwrites the default calendar title.
  • tz: Force the timezone of the calendar to a specific value.
  • refresh: Configure the calendar to automatically refresh.
  • zoom: Set the browser zoom level for the calendar
  • filterByPermission: Display only the events that are modifiable or read-only
  • hideWeekend: Hide weekend days
  • weekStartDay: Select the first day of the week

Appearance and controls

Calendar views

Parameters for calendar options

Date Parameter

Set the start date to a specific date, a date in the past or in the future relative to the current date.

date=yyyy-mm-dd Sets start date to a specific date, e.g. date=2017-09-09. This is useful for calendars that are used to plan for a specific event, like a conference.
date=today Sets start date to the current date.
date=y1 Sets start date to January 1 of the current year.
date=q1 Sets start date to the first day of the current quarter.
date=m1 Sets start date to the first day of the current month.
date=+1day Sets start date to tomorrow.
date=+3days Sets start date to three days from now.
date=+2weeks Sets start date to two weeks from now.
date=+1month Sets start date to one month from now.
date=+3months Sets start date to three months from now.
date=-1month Sets start date to one month in the past.
date=-1week Sets start date to one week in the past.
date=+1year Sets start date to one year from now.


view Parameter

Configures the view that is initially shown when the calendar is loaded.

view=d Start with daily view.
view=md Start with multi-day view. The number of days is read from the settings.
view=md<n> Start with multi-day view showing <n> days. <n> takes values between 2 and 6, for example view=md6.
view=w Start with weekly view.
view=mw Start with multi-week view. The number of weeks is read from the settings.
view=mw<n> Start with multi-week view showing <n> weeks. <n> takes values from 1 to 53, for example view=mw8.
view=m Start with monthly view.
view=y Start with year view. The number of months shown is taken from the calendar settings.
view=y<n>m Start with year view showing <n> months. <n> takes values between 1 and 12. Example: view=y6m
view=a Start with agenda view.
view=l Start with list view.
view=t Start with timeline view.
view=s Start with scheduler view.
view=ta Start with table view.


lang Parameter

Configures the user interface language of the calendar.

lang=en English US
lang=en_GB English GB
lang=cs Czech
lang=da Danish
lang=de German
lang=es Spanish
lang=it Italian
lang=fr French
lang=hr Croatian
lang=hu Hungarian
lang=nl Dutch
lang=pl Polish
lang=pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal)
lang=ro Romanian
lang=sk Slovak
lang=sv Slovenian
lang=fi Finnish
lang=tr Turkish
lang=zh_CN Chinese (simplified)
lang=zh_TW Chinese (traditional)


title Parameter

Configures the title used for the calendar. This settings is particularly useful if you are sharing only selected sub-calendars of your calendar and want to properly name the shared calendar.

Please note that the title string must be properly encoded to be used as part of the URL. The encoding ensures that special characters like space, & or ? don’t break the URL. You can use an online encoding tool or your favorite programming language to encode the string.

title=My+custom+title Overwrites the default calendar title with the string “My custom title”. Note that + characters are turned in space characters.



tz Parameter

Forces the timezone of the calendar to a specific value.

Note that the preferred way to set the timezone is to use the timezone configuration dialog in the menu. This parameter is only needed for exceptional cases, for example when the calendar is run on a display screen.

tz=Asia/Tokyo Supported values for the tz parameter are the official timezone identifiers as defined in the timezone database maintained by IANA.
Note that the timezone database in many cases defines multiple identifiers for the same timezone. In those cases, only the main identifier is supported by Teamup. Furthermore, timezones that are not used anymore today are not supported.


refresh Parameter – Paid Feature

The refresh parameter can be used to activate a periodic refresh of the calendar. This parameter is only supported with certain paid subscription plans. Please see the pricing page for details.

Note that this parameter is only needed for exceptional use cases, for example when the calendar is run on an unattended display screen. In normal use, the calendar is refreshed when users switch views, navigate between dates and other interactions with the calendar.

refresh=n Where n is the number of minutes between refreshes of the calendar.


zoom Parameter

Set the browser zoom level for the calendar. Note that this does not function in Firefox.

zoom=0.5 Zoom out
zoom=1 Normal size
zoom=2 Zoom in
zoom=3 Zoom in


filterByPermission Parameter

Display only the events that are modifiable or read-only by the user.

filterByPermission=modifiable Display only events that are modifiable by the user
filterByPermission=readonly Display all read-only events


hideWeekend Parameter

Show or hide weekend days in week view, multi-week view and month view.

hideWeekend=1 Hide weekend.
hideWeekend=0 Show weekend.


weekStartDay Parameter

Use this parameter to configure the week start day of the calendar. Note that this can be configured also in the calendar settings (Settings -> Date & Time). We recommend to use this URL parameter only to override the default behavior configured in the calendar settings.

weekStartDay=fr Set week start day to Friday.
weekStartDay=sa Set week start day to Saturday.
weekStartDay=su Set week start day to Sunday.
weekStartDay=mo Set week start day to Monday.


Parameters for appearance and controls

showHeader Parameter

Configures if the header is hidden or shown. The header includes the logo, the title and the search input. See also parameters showLogo and showTitle to hide individual elements of the title. Hidding the header is often the desired configuration if the calendar is embedded into a web page.

showHeader=1 Show header
showHeader=0 Hide header


showLogo Parameter

Configures if the logo is hidden or shown.

showLogo=1 Show logo
showLogo=0 Hide logo


showSidepanel Parameter

Configures the visibility of the side panel when the calendar is initially started.

showSidepanel=0 Start with side panel collapsed.
showSidepanel=1 Start with side panel visible.


disableSidepanel Parameter

Enable or disable the sidepanel. If disabled, the user cannot access it anymore.

disableSidepanel=0 Sidepanel is not disabled (default)
disableSidepanel=1 Sidepanel is disabled.


showTitle Parameter

Configures if the title is hidden or shown.

showTitle=1 Show title
showTitle=0 Hide title


showSearch Parameter

Configures if the search is hidden or shown.

showSearch=1 Show search
showSearch=0 Hide search


showProfileAndInfo Parameter

Configures if the profile and info is hidden or shown.

showProfileAndInfo=1 Show profile and info
showProfileAndInfo=0 Hide profile and info


showViewSelector Parameter

Show or hide selector for calendar view. If the view selector is hidden, the user is not able to switch to a different calendar view. This is a useful configuration if a very minimal user interface is needed, for example if the calendar is embedded into another web page.

showViewSelector=1 Show the view selector (default).
showViewSelector=0 Hide view selector.


showMenu Parameter

Show or hide the blue menu in the top right corner. If the menu is hidden, none of the menu functionality is available to the user. This is a useful configuration if a very minimal user interface is needed, for example if the calendar is embedded into another web page.

showMenu=1 Show the menu (default).
showMenu=0 Hide the menu.



This parameter can be used to hide or show the date controls of a calendar.

showDateControls=1 Show the date controls.
showDateControls=0 Hide the date controls.

showStripes Parameter

Use this parameter to configure how events assigned to multiple sub-calendars are visualized. Note that this can be configured also in the calendar settings (Settings -> General Settings). We recommend to use this URL parameter only to override the default behavior configured in the calendar settings.

showStripes=1 Use stripes to visualize events assigned to multiple sub-calendars.
showStripes=0 Use multiple boxes to visualize events assigned to multiple sub-calendars.


Parameters for calendar views


This URL parameter can be used to hide or show the header section of calendar views that have a header section. It applies to all views with a header sections (Scheduler view, Timeline view, Table view, Year view, Agenda view and List view).

showViewHeader=1 Show the calendar view header.
showViewHeader=0 Hide the calendar view header.

showAgendaDateRange Parameter

This parameter applies only to agenda and list views of the calendar. It can be used to set the date range shown in agenda and list view. Note that the user can always change the date range and that the client will remember the user’s last choice.

showAgendaDateRange=day Set date range to one day.
showAgendaDateRange=week Set date range to one week.
showAgendaDateRange=2weeks Set date range to two weeks.
showAgendaDateRange=month Set date range to one month.
showAgendaDateRange=3months Set date range to three months.
showAgendaDateRange=6months Set date range to six months.
showAgendaDateRange=year Set date range to one year.


showAgendaHeader Parameter

This parameter applies only to agenda and list views of the calendar. It can be used to enable or disable the header of these two views.

showAgendaHeader=1 Display header of agenda and list views.
showAgendaHeader=0 Hide header of agenda and list views.


showAgendaDetails Parameter

This parameter applies only to agenda and list views of the calendar. It can be used to enable or disable the display of event details by default. Note that this can be configured also in the calendar settings (Settings -> Calendar Views). We recommend to use this URL parameter only to override the default behaviour configured in the calendar settings.

showAgendaDetails=1 Show event details in agenda and list views.
showAgendaDetails=0 Hide event details in agenda and list views.


listGroupBy Parameter

This parameter applies only to list views of the calendar. It can be used to configured the default grouping of events. Note that this can be configured also in the calendar settings (Settings -> Calendar Views). We recommend to use this URL parameter only to override the default behaviour configured in the calendar settings.

listGroupBy=month Group events by month.
listGroupBy=week Group events by week.
listGroupBy=none Do not group events.



showYearViewHeader Parameter

This parameter applies only to Year view of the calendar. It can be used to enable or disable the header of year view.

showYearViewHeader=1 Display header of year view.
showYearViewHeader=0 Hide header of year view.


dateRange Parameter

Display one day, multiple days, one week or multiple weeks in the Timeline view

dateRange=day Show one day
dateRange=multi-day Show multiple days
dateRange=week Show one week
dateRange=multi-week Show multiple weeks


numberOfDays Parameter

Display x amount of days in the Timeline view

numberOfDays=1-21 Display between 1 and 21 days


numberOfWeeks Parameter

Display x amount of weeks in the Timeline view

numberOfWeeks=1-10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Set the value to between 1 and 10, or to 15, 20, 25 or 30


zoomLevel Parameter

Set the zoom level in the Timeline view

zoomLevel=1-10 A value between 1 and 10


Examples with multiple parameters

Minimal user interface

Event list with details

First month of the year

Streamlined event list

Keywords: auto-refresh, auto refresh, disable header, reduce space, collapse, minimize, maximize

Updated on July 24, 2024
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