Teamup supports three types of custom fields: text, numbers and choices (single or multiple choices). For a choice field, you may define choice options, which can be words, numbers, symbols, and unicode characters. Unicode characters allow you to build a field with icons as values.
How a unicode field looks
A unicode field in action
Here’s another example of unicode choice options, used to designate media types:
Then choose the correct option when creating an event for an easy visual that shows at-a-glance what the event is about:
How to set up a unicode field
All you have to do is copy the unicode icons and paste them into the “Name” field when configuring the custom field.
1. In Settings > Event Fields, create or edit a choice field. Copy and paste any unicode icon as the option name:
2. To make the unicode icons visible in the calendar view, go to the Show in event title section and check Name:
Ready to try it out? Find the full list of unicode characters here. Experiment with a live demo or create a new Teamup calendar.