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  3. Manage Unscheduled Jobs with Table View

Manage Unscheduled Jobs with Table View

When you add an item to your Teamup calendar, you save it to a particular date. But some items, such as unscheduled jobs, may not have a specified date or time. One of the ways to handle those items is to have a dedicated sub-calendar to capture all the unscheduled jobs.

Table view shows unscheduled jobs in a list. (Tip: ignore the date columns. You can even hide them from view.)

Create a dedicated sub-calendar

You don’t want to clutter your scheduled job calendar with the unscheduled items. Create a new sub-calendar just for tasks and jobs that are to be scheduled.

Add all unscheduled jobs to this sub-calendar. Use any date you like when adding the unscheduled items, or specify a “parking lot” date (such as every Sunday, or the first or last day of the month).

View unscheduled jobs as sortable list

At anytime, you can toggle to display the Unscheduled sub-calendar only. Use table view to see all the unscheduled jobs in a sortable list. You can sort the unscheduled jobs by any column in table view.

You can hide the columns that are unnecessary to keep your view clean and simple:

Table view of unscheduled jobs with the Start/End columns hidden.

Schedule the unscheduled jobs

When you’re ready to move the unscheduled job to a date, there are several easy ways to do so.

In a grid view (such as Week, Month, or Year), drag and drop the job to the correct date, then click to open the event editor and change to the appropriate sub-calendar.

Or, double click to open the job and edit the date in the event editor:

Open the event editor and change the date and sub-calendar for the unscheduled job.

Helpful tips

  • In the Scheduler view and the Timeline view, drag-and-drop to move any event from the Unscheduled sub-calendar to another sub-calendar. If you do make use of this method, be sure to check the date and time of the moved event and adjust if needed.
  • See more ways to manage unscheduled jobs and tasks.
  • An easy list or a “Parking Lot” for Someday/Maybe Items

Ready to try it out? Experiment with a live demo or create a new Teamup calendar.

Updated on May 4, 2023
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