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How to Reset Outbound iCalendar Feeds

Outbound iCalendar feeds allow others to subscribe to a read-only feed from a Teamup calendar. Once an iCalendar feed is set up, it will keep syncing to the destination calendar unless it is deleted by the subscriber. If you need to tighten up security, you can reset all iCalendar feeds.

Why reset outbound iCalendar feeds

Most major calendar applications are able to subscribe to other calendars via the iCalendar feed URL. So anyone with the iCalendar feed URL from your personal or work calendar can set up a subscription to it. The subscription is read-only, meaning that the subscriber cannot make any changes to your calendar. However, they can still see the events on the calendar.

Once an iCalendar feed is set up, it will keep syncing to the destination calendar, which could be any calendar within an organization or personal calendars outside your organization. If someone has left the organization but still has an iCalendar feed, they are still able to view the company calendar.

To reduce the risk of having your calendar synced to an unauthorized parties via iCalendar feed, you can reset all outbound iCalendar feeds whenever you feel the need to do so.

Reset feature limitations

Account users only

The Reset feature is available only via user account access. To check if you are accessing your calendar via user account, look at the calendar URL in your browser. If should contain a section /c/ followed by your unique calendar ID and the calendar title.

Please note that the Reset feature will reset all iCalendar feed URLs from your calendar. None of your existing feeds will work after you use the Reset feature. You will have to resubscribe or send out the updated iCalendar feed URL to those who need to subscribe to your calendar.

iCalendar feeds affected

The Reset feature will only reset the iCalendar feed URLs from your calendar access. Each account user has unique iCalendar feed URLs, generated for their calendar access. When you reset iCalendar feeds, it only resets any feed URL obtained from your calendar access. It has no effect on feeds obtained from any other user’s calendar access.

See here for how to reset iCalendar feed URLs from a shareable calendar link.

How to reset outbound iCalendar feeds

To access the reset feature, click the blue menu in the top right corner. Choose Preferences > iCalendar Feeds:

Scroll down below the list of iCalendar feed URLs to the Reset button:

See more about outbound iCalendar feeds.

Updated on October 10, 2024
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