If you need to keep your number of sub-calendars low, or simply wish to restructure your sub-calendars, here are the steps to achieve this:
- Decide which sub-calendar is to remain (e.g., sub-calendar A). Consider choosing the one with the most events or the one most familiar to your users.
- Go to Settings > Export and export the events from sub-calendar B (and any other sub-calendars that are to be merged into sub-calendar A) to a .csv file.
- Open the .csv file and prepare it for import by changing the “Calendar Name” value for each event to the name of the sub-calendar that it is to be merged to.
- Go to Settings > Import. Import the .csv file. Leave the Calendar Name field blank since all events in your .csv file have the Calendar Name specified.
- Go to Settings > Calendars. Delete sub-calendar B (and any other sub-calendars that were included in step 2 above).
Pro tip: Create a test calendar by starting one of our Live Demo calendars to test your data before importing to your live calendar in step 4. Imports can not be undone!