When you embed a Teamup calendar, you can customize the look and feel. You can use Teamup’s embed wizard to set options and generate a customized URL or iFrame code. Or you can use link parameters yourself to control the display of your embedded calendar.
Example 1: Minimal calendar with no distractions
Link parameters used
- Opens in Week view: view=w
- Link name and profile hidden: showProfileAndInfo=0
- Calendar header hidden: showHeader=0
- Side panel disabled: disableSidepanel=1
- View selector disabled: showViewSelector=0
- Preference menu hidden: showMenu=0
- Date controls hidden: showDateControls=0
Example 2: Event list with details

Link parameters used
- Calendar view is set to Agenda: view=a
- Event details visible: showAgendaDetails=1
- Show only one day: showAgendaDateRange=day
- Profile hidden: showProfileAndInfo=0
- Sidepanel hidden: showSidepanel=0
- View selector hidden: showViewSelector=0
- Calendar header hidden: showHeader=0
Customize your embedded calendar with link parameters
Create a secure calendar link
To maintain the security of your calendar, be sure to use a calendar link with the appropriate permission level. Typically, read-only access is best for embedding a calendar onto a public website. Alternately, you might use add-only permission to allow users to submit events or book reservations.
- Open your calendar in a browser with administrator access.
- From your calendar, go to Settings > Sharing.
- Click on Create Link.
- Name the link so it’s easily recognizable, e.g. Embed Link.
- Scroll to the Calendars Shared section.
- Choose which sub-calendars to share and set the appropriate permission level.
- Save the link.
Consider the look and feel for the embedded calendar
There are many link parameters you can use to customize how your embedded calendar looks and functions for your site visitors. However, if the link parameters sound too technical, you can use our Embed Wizard to get the customized URL or iFrame code from a WYSIWYG editor.
Consider the primary purpose of the calendar (when embedded) and how you can make it more user-friendly. Here are a few examples:
- For a conference agenda, set the calendar to show the exact date range of the conference. So, for a three-day conference, set the default view to Multi-day showing 3 days and set the calendar’s start date to the first day of the conference.
- For community events, try a Multi-week default view opening on the current date so people can see what’s happening in current and upcoming weeks.
- For a very busy calendar of group activities or industry events, leave the sidebar open with filters visible and instructions in the About box to help users navigate and sort calendar data to find the events they’re interested in.
Append link parameters to the secure link
To use link parameters, append them to the end of the secure calendar link. You can use multiple link parameters in combination.
- Find the link parameters you need from this list.
- Append the link parameters to the secure link:
- Append a question mark “?” to the secure link, followed by the first link parameter.
- Add an ampersand “&” between each link parameter.
To embed the calendar into a webpage or Microsoft Teams, copy and paste the secure link with appended parameters as part of the iFrame code into your website’s HTML editor.
Try it yourself
Want a quick test before getting to work with your business calendar? Here you go:
- Open this live demo calendar in the browser (no parameters).
- Append ?showHeader=0&showViewSelector=0&showSidepanel=0 to the link in the address bar and hit enter (after appending the parameters your screen will look like the bottom one below).
You can always try some of the specific parameters and combinations from these examples or explore the full list of parameters. Alternatively, get started right away with the Embed Wizard, a WYSIWYG tool where you can choose your options and copy the iFrame code or URL with parameters ready for embedding.