With Teamup Calendar, you can enable signups for any event (or by default for all events on the calendar). Anyone with access to the calendar event can then sign up with their name and email address.
Email confirmation for event signups
Account users only
When a Teamup user signs up for an event, they will receive an email confirmation. The confirmation includes all the event details and has an iCal invite attached. To avoid abuse or spam, the feature will only work for logged-in Teamup account users.
Log in and sign up
If you are logged into your Teamup account when you sign up for an event, the Name and Email Address fields will automatically populate:
The confirmation email
You’ll receive an email confirmation with the event details, a link to the event, and an attached .ics file.
Click the event title to open the event. If needed, you can remove your signup from the event.
Open and/or save the attached ics file to add the event to another calendar:
You don’t have to do anything to turn on email confirmations for event signups. It is an automatic feature for any logged-in Teamup account user.
See how to sign up for an event on mobile or how to remove your signup.