Custom Text Fields

Teamup supports configurable default event fields and custom event fields. Single-line text fields are a type of custom field. Custom text fields help keep information organized and easy to find.

About custom text fields

Teamup supports custom event fields like a single-line text field, shown here on the event editor.

A custom text field is a simple text-entry form similar to the default Who field.

  • Text fields allow a single line of text input.
  • Each custom text field is shown in its own column in Table view.
  • A link added to a custom text field becomes clickable.
  • Text field contents can be displayed beside the event title.
  • Text field contents are included in keyword filters and search queries.

Create a custom text field

  1. Open Teamup in a browser with administrator access.
  2. Go to Settings > Event Fields.
  3. Click New Field (top right).
  4. Enter a field name.
  5. In the Type section, select Single-line text.
  6. If desired, check Yes to make the field required and/or show contents in the event title.
  7. Click Save.

Manage custom text fields

  1. Open Teamup in a browser with administrator access.
  2. Go to Settings > Event Fields.
  3. All active event fields, both default and custom, will be listed. To see deactivated fields, check Show deactivated fields above the list.

Edit a custom text field

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the field name. You cannot change the field type.
  2. To change the field name, put your cursor in the Name field, delete the old name, and type a new one.
  3. To change the field requirement, in the Required section check Yes (for required) or No (for not required).
  4. To change the field contents display, in the Show in event title section, check Yes (to show in the event title) or No.
  5. Click Save after making any changes.

Deactivate/reactivate a custom text field

Click the toggle next to the field name to change its active status.

  • A red (X) toggle means the field is deactivated.
  • To reactivate a text field, click the toggle to green (√).

Delete a custom text field

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the field name.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Confirm by clicking Delete Field Forever.

Ways to use a single-line text field 

  • Track client names for appointments
  • Require users to enter contact email when making a reservation
  • Add document links for scheduled jobs
  • Set up a dedicated field for Zoom meeting links.

Screenshot 2021-03-15 at 00.45.19.png



Updated on October 31, 2024
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