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  3. How to Format the Event Description on The Teamup App

How to Format the Event Description on The Teamup App

You can add details, images, and more in the description field. On the Teamup app, you can format the description using Markdown.

Format descriptions with Markdown

On a browser, there is a WYSIWYG editor for text in the description field, with text formatting options in the menu bar.

On the Teamup app, the description field supports the Markdown syntax.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. It’s easy to use when you want to format text in the event description.

Markdown formatting on the left; Saved, formatted text shown on the right.

Supported Markdown options

Here are the supported formatting options in Markdown:

# Title One hashtag to create a title-level heading
## Subtitle Two hashtags to create a subtitle-level heading
Paragraph Enter two new lines to start a new paragraph
**bold** Two asterisks on each side to make text bold
_italic_ Underscore on each side to make text italic
– bullet list Dash before line of text to create a bulleted list


Updated on August 7, 2024
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