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  3. Sort Order of Events in Calendar Views

Sort Order of Events in Calendar Views

Events on Teamup are sorted in a certain order by time and title. While it’s not possible to manually sort events, understanding the logic that is applied may help find the solution you need.

A colorful set of events on a Teamup calendar demonstrates how events are sorted first by date/time, then by sub-calendar order, then by event title alphabetically.

Hourly events

Events that have a specific start and end time are sorted in order by
1. Start time
2. End time
3. Sub-calendar order
4. Event title (alphabetically)

Note the different ordering when the end time is adjusted:

All-day or multi-day events

On views with a time grid (like Day, Week, and Scheduler), all-day or multi-day events are displayed in the header area above the hourly grid.

On views without a time grid (like Multi-week, Month, and Year), they are displayed above the hourly events in the date block.

Multiple all-day or multi-day events are sorted by
1. Start date
2. Sub-calendar order
3. Event title (alphabetically)

Pro Tips

You can influence the ordering of events by adjusting the sub-calendar order and changing the event title.

  • Change the order of the sub-calendars by adding a number or special character to the front of the calendar name.
  • Sort your sub-calendars into folders. See here for more.
  • Move an event title “up” in alphabetical order by putting a special character such as @ or * in front of the title.
Updated on November 13, 2024
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