What are filters?

Filters are the search tools included in a Teamup Calendar. Filters make it easy to find the specific information or events you need, even on a complex calendar with many events. You can filter by sub-calendar, by keyword, or using a combination of both.  You can also filter by custom event fields, if you have added any of these to your calendar.

You’ll find the Filters in the sidebar of your Teamup Calendar:

A screenshot of a full calendar, then the results of a keyword filter applied.
There are two filters on the sidebar of your Teamup calendar: keyword and sub-calendar.

To use the filter, type text into the keyword filter and hit Enter. The filtered results will show only events that include that keyword, in your current calendar view. Select a different calendar view or move the calendar to a different date to see more results for a different time period.

To filter by sub-calendar, use the drop-down menu on the filter to select a sub-calendar. Or type the name of a sub-calendar into the filter and select the one you want.

To filter by custom event field, use the drop-down menu (for multiple choice options), or enter text into the filter and select the option you want to use.

You can combine filters: for example, you can select a sub-calendar, then enter a keyword. The filtered results on your calendar will show only events that are on the selected sub-calendar AND contain the keyword.

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