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Week Numbers in Teamup

Week numbers are commonly used in industries like logistics and manufacturing for the scheduling of work and deliveries. Teamup displays week numbers in several calendar views, including Day view, Week view, Multi-week view, Month view, Timeline view and List view.

Week numbers are displayed in multiple calendar views in Teamup

Two ways of counting weeks

Different schemes of counting the weeks of a year are in common use today. This is due to the fact that different regions in the world use a different definition of what a week is. While, for example, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan and other countries consider Sunday as the first day of the week, and while the week begins with Saturday in much of the Middle East, the international ISO 8601 standard and most of Europe has Monday as the first day of the week.

Teamup supports the two most commonly used schemes to count weeks.

Week numbering based on ISO 8610

The international standard ISO 8610 defines Monday as the first day of the week and Sunday as the last day of the week. Week number 1 is the week that contains January 4.

In Teamup, the ISO week numbering scheme is activated if the week start day is set to any day except Sunday. The week start day can be configured in Settings -> Date & Time of your Teamup calendar.

Week numbering based on the US System

In the US, Sunday is commonly viewed as the first day of the week and Saturday the last day of the week. Week number 1 is the week that contains January 1.

In Teamup, the US week numbering scheme is activated if the week start day is set to Sunday.


Updated on October 26, 2024
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